Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Day 30: We Are Done!

 We did it!

You can hear the finished album here:

Disposable Time's BandCamp page

It came out okay I think. It's only 5 songs long, but everything was written and recorded in a month in whatever spare time I could find. *pats self on back*

I'll do this again, I think. Maybe even before next November.

I'll leave the SoundCloud clips up for a while but they will be replaced with other stuff that I'm making. The BandCamp link I'll keep active for a while unless BandCamp is difficult, annoying or otherwise problematic. It's my first time posting something there.

Thanks for reading, and rock on.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Day 27: Yet another one

 This one is what "Where She Keeps It" became. I've changed the name to "Every Corner" to match the (somewhat opaque and hastily-written) lyrics. It's moody and not very song-like but I do like it.

That's 4 so far, and that's all the ones I have complete vocals for. But I do have some I can finish up in the next day or two:

- Pick and Choose: is a funky little groove that I have background vocals done. I just need lyrics, a main melody, and the actual vocals.

- Where The History Comes From: this is a slow, Pink-Floyd-esque meditation in 7/4. I have a vocal idea for this and will probably play some guitar solos as well.

- Keeping To Yourself: a riff-rock song in 7/8 (that's two songs in 7!) This one needs more drums, lyrics, melody, vocals. Kind of the runt of the litter. Except for "Tree" of course which I have abandoned entirely.

- I may record a simple guy-guitar song just to bring the song total to 9.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Day 26: Another good one

 Here's one of my "throwaway" ideas that became a pretty lovely song:

I've got some intonation issues: my electric guitar needs some tuning up! Also the fretless bass is a new kind of intonation challenge for me. But I still like this one even with those ear-bending moments.

I'm getting close to done!

Here's the plan:

- Saturday: Write lyrics for the songs that need it, do some mixing in the evening, play with song order.

- Sunday: Last vocals and drums where I need it.

- Monday: Final finishing tracks for everything are done.

- Tuesday: Have everything mixed the way I want, exported to WAV, and trimmed to the right start-stop points. Know the song order.

- Wednesday (last day!) Final mastering in my living room on those speakers since that's where I assume this will get the most play.

I think I've got this and I'm kind of excited. The quality is better than I'd expected.

Friday, November 25, 2022

Day 25: Another song into the home stretch


 The mix is off, I think. The vocals are too high. But it's a sweet tune and it's going on the album.

Today I can tidy up a couple more songs and maybe add a throwaway from scratch.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Day 23: Uploading complete songs from here on out...

 My first complete song: Exchange

It needs some mixing work and some percussion clean up but it's pretty much what it is.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving so probably not a long of song work to do, but I will upload another song since I have several pretty much done.

I may not make it to 7 songs like I wanted, but at least 5 and possibly 6. Maybe I'll make one throwaway on the last day just to fill out the collection.

Nothing focuses the mind like a deadline.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Day 20: Snowed in and taking stock

 So with 10 days left to go, here's what I have done:

- Valuation: a lovely piano/voice ballad that I think I'll leave alone. I'd planned on making it more of rock ballad but it sounds nice as is. Maybe I'll add stuff if I have time.

- Every Corner (formally Where She Keeps It): a cool, atmospheric full band song with a quirky structure. It is well mixed right now I think.

- Exchange: The title track for the "hit." I have a solid acoustic guitar and drum groove and I have a melody in my head. This needs lyrics and vocals and some more instrumentation to fill it out.

- Pick and Choose: The funky guitar track is cut and rearranged into a song structure. It needs an arrangement, lyrics, vocals, and mixing.

- Tree: I don't know what to do with this. It is a problem child. I like the idea but it needs another idea, and maybe a complete re-recording.

- Low Interest: this is just a nice electric piano riff in 7/8 but it's a little sloppy and maybe can't become anything serious.

So that's 3 solid songs (though one still needs its vocals and filler) plus 3 partial songs which are still just ideas.

I have a lot of time today to add some things. I think I can get Exchange done, make Pick and Choose into something good, and maybe start a new one. That will leave me with 5 good ones (assuming today's new one will be good) and 2 ideas to play with. That's 7 total so I can cross the finish line with some pride.

Update: I didn't do all the things I wanted to do on Day 20, but here's a snippet of Pick and Choose:

Thanks to my friend Glenn for the electric upright bass. I'm not an upright bassist but I can pretend for a couple weeks, right?

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Vocal Processing: Crafting a signature vocal sound for the album

I want all the vocals on this album to have a distinct sound that's different from my basic Hostess Mostess sound. Now that I have a few vocal tracks recorded, I'm going to try to find a good processing chain that makes a sound I like that I've never tried before.

I'll come back to edit this post as I work on the sound. Here's the chain I'm building:

  1. Recording Setup: Use my Sure SM58beta with a pop filter and a lot of headroom. Sing about 1" away from the head and aim directly at it or off-axis by 30 degrees or less.
  2. Mix Bus: Run all vocal tracks that do the same thing (lead vox with doubled vox, background vox acting together) into common audio busses. This lets me pan vocals into the bus, then process the vocals together as one common stereo track.
  3. Clip Gain: Hand smooth each track to even out loud and soft spots. Use automation lines and splitting the tracks into pieces. This can be time-intensive so do a rough job first and listen a lot to find the ugly spots, then refine just those.
  4. Subtractive EQ: This I need to experiment with. Do I do it on individual tracks or on the bus? Find the frequencies that stink and pick some frequency space that the vocals will own in every mix.
  5. Compression: find the right attack-release settings to keep the dynamics smooth without losing the transients of the consonants. This might have to be applied to each track, not to the common bus.
  6. Saturation: Find an amp setting that adds some overdrive to some frequency range. I rarely do this to vocals so let's try it. Possibly split the chain and add different types to mix together?
  7. Secret Sauce: find something I like (flange, chorus, reverse-reverb, stereo delay with a gate-limit, etc.) and make this the secret sauce for all the songs.
  8. Add Room Sound: Use an aux send to add delay and reverb so I can automate the levels throughout the songs. Try to make every song sound like it was recorded in the same space.

So hopefully at the end I'll have a signal chain that defines the sound of the album vocals to make a coherent and distinctive sound. Wish me luck!


Day 13: We Haz Vox!

 Last night I got some vocals done!

Full lyrics and lead vocals are done for two songs: Valuation and Where She Keeps It (which I think will be renamed, not sure what yet). And some vocals are added to Tree. These are both kind of releasable as is (after some good mixing) but I'll want to add tracks to both to fill in some gaps and add some countermelodies here and there.

Tree is becoming kind of a headache: what I've done so far feels like the introduction to a much longer song but I'm not sure what should come next or how to go about making it happen. I'll have to ponder it while I do some yardwork today.

So I need to start 4 more songs. Let's review what I have and see what I need:

1) Slow, atmospheric, cool song (Where She Keeps It)

2) Moderate piano ballad (Valuation)

3) Pensive, percussion-heavy long, drawn-out moody (Tree)

4) I need something peppy and danceable (think The 1975 "Girls")

5) I need something hard and biting (think The Beatles "Taxman")

6) I need something soft and lonely (think Shawn Colvin's "If I Were Brave")

7) I need something quirky and fun (not sure what that feels like yet)

So maybe today I'll try to write a riff for #5 and some sort of groove for #4.

Almost halfway there!

Friday, November 11, 2022

Day 11: Lyrics and Melody

I'm spending some time with the draft mixes I have, noodling out some melody and lyrics ideas in my head as I go about my day. This is my favorite part of songwriting. I like to sing through an idea a bunch of times, then wait a few hours doing something else before coming back and trying to sing it again. If I can remember it, it was catchy. If not, it wasn't. A self-limiting hook-writing process! A genetic algorithm that relies entirely on my own amusement.

The goal is to record vocals this weekend. I'll have the house to myself for a few hours here and there.

Another bit of news: I asked the hosts at Funkwhale's Open.Audio pod for account permission. If they grant it, I'll use that space instead of SoundCloud to host the bits and likely to host the final product.

I'm not sure how strict they are about granting accounts. We shall see!

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Day 10: 3 decent songs started

 So I missed a few days because of life. But I did do some music every day in some form or another. Here's the status:

- Tree: a meditative, percussion-heavy idea that needs some fleshing out and probably needs to be longer.

- Where She Keeps It: a slow and lovely A-B-A-B-A-B form that deserves some interesting vocal harmonies. Probably needs a "rock out" section as well.

- Valuation: a piano-based ballad that lends itself easily to a clean vocal and some fuzzy guitars. I've been listening to '80s Journey a bit recently and it shows here.

I will do a bunch of vocal recording over the weekend and add a couple more song ideas to this list. I'm on track to have a 7 song album ready by the end of the month if I can keep up the pace.

Here's how "Where She Keeps It" is sounding right now:

It needs some cleaning and a little punch-up. It needs bass. It needs vocals. More to come!

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Day 5: Mix-a-lot

I was busy with life so I never got around to recording any new sounds. I did however find an hour to clean up the "Tree" track and get it sounding better. I won't post a clip yet, but I do now have a mix that I can play on repeat while my brain finds some vocal hooks to try out.

Once I have a decent plan for this song I can start writing more in whatever vein it proves to be. Ideally I'll end up with 5 to 8 songs that I can bundle together as an album. Right now I have the beginnings of two songs and a pretty cool guitar riff I can work with.


Friday, November 4, 2022

Day 4: More Drumming!

 My wife was away for the day and my daughter had school so I allowed myself to bang on the drums like it was the boss' head 'cause you know that I don't want to work yadda yadda.

Actually I do want to work and I did quite a bit, but I managed to add some more drum tracks to both the "Tree" track and the new "Where She Placed It" (or whatever I'm calling it) track. I played along with the chopped up drum loop bits I had copy/pasted together in Ardour a couple days ago. That's a good sound and it gives a better feel to the songs.

So now I need to start to play those over and over for myself to find a good melody or lyric hook to justify their existence. Until I do that, it's all just noodles. But I think it won't be too hard.

On my mind though is this: am I just hurrying to get songs written so I have a bunch that I can call an album by the end or am I allowing myself the time to polish them up and practice them and maybe re-record them after they are written more fully? I guess I'll get a better sense sometime next week. Either I'll have some good ideas I can polish or I'm still pasting random ideas together.

No clips today. I'll post a clip when I have something more interesting.

P.S. What am I going to do on Thanksgiving?

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Day 3: Another Song

Okay I started another song. This is 3 distinct song ideas so far in as many days. I should slow my roll. Anyway here's a sample of the new one:

I also cleaned up the one I'm calling "Tree" a bit more.

Funny gear story: I discovered today that I don't need to start JACK at all anymore. I can use JACK if I like, but apparently pipewire is doing all that same work for me now. So I officially never have to wrestle with jackd configurations ever again! So the bad news is I've been trying to figure out all these JACK error messages for the past couple of weeks for no reason at all. The good news is, there's no good reason for me to keep trying to figure out all these JACK error messages!

Anyhow another day, another few minutes of instrumental noodle ideas in need of structure, arrangement, lyrics, vocals, mixing, ordering, and mastering. Good thing I have 27 days left!

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Day 2: Feedback (with an audio sample!)

I dusted off the old guitar amp and aimed some mics at it: a large condensor and my trusty cardioid dynamic. I recorded a couple of tracks along with the drum track from yesterday, then some funky rhythm riff that could be its own song, and then some attempts to get some feedback that I can sprinkle around for color.

Here's some of that feedback...

It's kind of funny to just record ideas and then think about how to make them into a song later. I usually write first then record, but this is kind of a fun workflow. I'm kind of eager to start putting things together into songs, but I think I should wait until next week.

Okay I couldn't wait so here's a snippet of a song I think I'll start piecing together. I think I'll call it "Tree."

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Day 1: Getting started

 I recorded a couple little things in the morning when I had a few minutes:

  • 30 seconds of softly ringing a big wind chime we have in the basement because it is way too big and loud to actually use as a wind chime.
  • 7 minutes of a slow drum pattern with variations here and there (no metronome so who knows how I'll be able to use it but that's a tomorrow problem).

I see my SoundCloud account has lots of room on it so I'll post bits there when it starts to get more interesting.

My recording laptop runs Ubuntu Linux and the most recent system upgrade monkeyed with the way sound works (ah yes the joys of audio in Linux). I installed pipewire and I think it made things work better than before.

What this is all about:

This November I will record: "Exchange" by Disposable Time

  The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it. - Henry David Thoreau   That's the first random quote I got from the ...

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